Accessoirées du Larréon Découpaged Plastic Wide-Mouthed Bangle #2


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Accessoirées du Larréon Découpaged Plastic Wide-Mouthed Bangle #1

Our House of Larréon Accessoirées (for those of you who do not speak Français, that means “accessories for the evening”) découpaged bracelets and brooches are bright, beautiful, lighter than air, and made by hand using trash!

I made this belle bangle from a cross-section of a plastic mayonnaise jar, colored tissue paper, and shellac. Finished with a House of Larréon label on the inside, it will brighten your wrist, mood, and outfit in the signature easy elegance that you have come to expect from House of Larréon!

IMPORTANT: this bracelet has an extra wide opening, so, without care, it might fall off your arm if you have petite-to-average-sized hands. The good news is that if you have monster hands like me, you have finally found a bangle that will fit. Also, maybe you teeny-weenies would like to wear it on your upper arm! The opening is about 3 3/4 x 3 3/4 inches. The width of the bangle is sensually irregular with its widest part measuring at 1 1/2 inches and its narrowest at 3/4 inches.

I have not done extensive waterproof testing, but I will venture to say that you should keep these découpaged items out of the rain, and if you should decide to wear them into the pool or bathtub, it’s your own funeral or at least that of your once beautiful bracelet.